Monday, July 30, 2007

We Still Don't Know The Gender

Even though we still don't know the gender of Baby Bonney #2, that has not stopped the debates going on in the Bonney House.

I went to a doctor's appointment today, and everything looks good. Caiden and Dave were there with me, and Caiden got to see the ultrasound. He was very fascinated. My doctor asked Caiden if he wanted a little brother or sister. Caiden emphatically replied that he does NOT want a brother, he wants a baby girl. Dave continued to try and change Caiden's mind, but he takes after his mother and his stubborn streak continued.

Apparently, I have gained some weight 3lbs, since my last appointment, which the doctor said was good, since I had been so sick early on and hadn't gained weight. What I heard was "you are SO FAT! You gained so much weight. You'd better eat healthy".

An interesting topic arose at this appointment. She asked Dave if he wanted to deliver the baby. I'm not too sure about that, but he seemed to be interested. I guess it is something we will be "discussing".

I have an Appt. on August 13th to find out the gender of Baby Bonney #2. That is, if Baby Bonney #2 is cooperative. :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Scarlett Johansen or Katherine Hiegl?

So lately I have been having people telling me that I look like a certain celebrity. To be honest, I don't see it, but it has continued to happen, so I thought I would take post it.

The two that I am getting most often are Katherine Hiegl (from Grey's Anatomy) and Scarlett Johansen.

I have posted their pictures above so you can see. Hey, I wouldn't mind looking like either of them, they are both beautiful, but I honestly just don't see it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

S Factor Hiatus

That's right. The sad day has come when I am forced to take a brief break from S Factor. I am really sad about the whole thing. I look forward to it all week, but it is rather expensive, and my growing stomach keeps getting in the way. :(

It's not that big, I guess, but I'm not used to have a stomach and it's getting in my way. Plus, I am at level 6 (for the 3rd time), so we are doing these tricks that take a lot of abs, and can be quite dangerous. I mean, you are hanging upside down on a pole, by one leg. If I fall, there are two of us to think about. Also, I WANT to do the tricks, and it's depressing that I have to hold back, or be careful. I have always been a bit of a daredevil - and heck I like to perform :)

I have only three more classes until this session ends, and I did not sign up for the next session as I will be 5 months pregnant by the time it starts, and 6 months by the time it ends. I figured I would take a break for 3 sessions - this gives me time to have the baby, and about a month to recoup after the baby is born before I work to lose the baby weight.

Hey, at least I have a pole at home that I can do some lower level tricks, or if Dave is here to spot some upper level tricks. Before you say anything, I AM being careful...didn't I say Dave needs to spot me??? Sigh...depression. I will need to find some other sort of exercise to fill my pregnancy days...I don't want to just sit and watch my waistline expand. :(

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Who Needs A Handyman Anyway?

Well, clearly I do :(

My original intention was to write this whole thing about how I am an intelligent woman, I don't NEED a handyman to help me around the house. After all, I put the light sockets back on the wall after Dave painted, and I hung up a bunch of pictures around the house. Like I said that WAS my intention, but unfortunately I am one of those people that missed the measurement gene when God was passing it out.

My brain does not function when it comes to spatial distances or numbers. All things you need when you try to hang 9 pictures on a wall in perfect alignment. My mom came over today and helped, so I thought we could figure it out together. After many tries and about an hour later, we had hung 2 pictures (let's not even discuss how many tries and holes in the wall and dots I have on the wall - since Dave doesn't read the blog, let's all keep this between us, k?) :)

Our mission: to hang all 9 pictures in perfect alignment
After an hour this is what we got. I think they are too close anyway
The pictures left to hang...yes I even used a tape measure and a level...still it didn't work. :(

I finally gave up and have decided that I need a handyman :( It really takes the wind out of a feminist sail. Notice though, I did not mention that I needed a MAN...simply someone who can help me hang things properly and who is adept at math and spatial distance.

We did get to hang up two other pictures...or should I say, my MOM hung up two other pictures in Caiden's room? Thank you mom!

A successful hanging of Caiden's pictures by my mom.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Son Is Allergic To Walmart

Well, at least any clothing product that comes from there anyway. You know how you run to a store and grab some clothes when you are in need and put them on your kid real quick...well, if they're from Walmart, I can't do that.

Caiden breaks out in this wicked bad rash that lasts for days!!! This is exactly what happened to him last week when I bought some socks from there. It was so sad. I tried to take some pictures, but I don't think they came out well.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Caiden's 1st Movie!

I finally took Caiden to see his first movie in a movie theater. Katie and her two kids and Caiden and I just couldn't wait to see the new Disney movie, Ratatouille.

Christy, Daniel, Caiden with their tickets
Caiden's first movie ticket
Caiden proudly hands his ticket over
Candy anyone? Of course I bought him some candy - you can't go to your 1st movie without it!

Caiden was entralled with the big screen and just kept staring at it. He wouldn't take his eyes off of it. About half way through he got a bit antsy and started asking for milk, to go to the bathroom, wanted to play the games in saw in the lobby, etc...

Caiden and I in the movie theater...the previews are on, which is why he isn't looking at the camera
Big Eyes...can't take his eyes off the screen
Even for a picture, but hey, he still smiled :)

Finally the movie was over, and we get back in the car after a long day. Katie then asks Caiden what his favorite part of the movie was and he proudly exclaims "Shamu!". He then goes on to say how he would kill the mouse...clearly I think he missed the point of this movie.

At this point, I'm not sure if he just isn't ready for a movie, or if this movie was a bit over his head. Maybe I need to stick with Happy Feet and Cars. He likes those. We never really let him watch TV, so he prefers to play than watch movies. Hmm...thoughts?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Bear...The Great Unveil!

So the next morning, we awoke (fully rested, I might add...the perk of being with the grandparents) to a wonderful breakfast prepared by Sue and Jim. After filling our bellies and talking about the previous days events, Jim and Sue unveiled that they were taking us all on a cruise!!! Jim explained it to Caiden and even showed him pictures to get him excited.

I am thrilled. I have NEVER been on a cruise before and have always wanted to go!! And to make it better the whole family is going. That means the twins and their families. It will be PRIME family time and I can't wait! More to come...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

4th of July...Big Bear Style

What better place to spend the 4th of July than at Big Bear? We thought there would be no place better, so we packed our bags, and headed up to see Papa Jim and Grammie Sue. Our friend Josh came along for the ride as well.

We had so much fun. Josh and Dave immediately went gallivanting around town - which of course in Big Bear meant that they went 4 wheel driving and down some kind of concrete slide on wheels. Unfortunately, Dave came back a little worse for wear.

Caiden and I had loads of fun too. We went 4 wheel driving (a little slower and less bumpy...after all I AM preggers) in Papa Jim's Jeep - he built it himself. Sad to say I don't have any pictures, and this is actually quite pathetic and Sue and I BOTH brought our cameras. :) Let's just say we were entranced with the scenery?

This was the perfect time to test out my new camera (Dave bought me a new camera for our anniversary - we have been married for 8 years...can you believe it?) I decided to take a picture of this really pretty butterfly that landed close to us.

After a quick nap (well for 3 of us anyway), we all hiked off to the 4th of July party celebration. Jim and Sue had woken up early and had already staked us out a prime piece of real estate to watch the fireworks. It was perfect because we could play the rest of the day and not have to worry about saving our spots.

When we arrived, Caiden was anxious to take part in all of the festivities, and Papa Jim was such a trooper. He must have gone to that bounce house about 4-5 times. Caiden LOVED it.

Caiden shows Papa how high he can jump

We even got Caiden's face and hand painted. He requested a fire truck, but then I requested an American flag (since the fire truck was a bit hard to draw for the teenagers doing the painting).

Proud grandparents look on as Caiden gets his face painted
Proud daddy there to see the fire truck being painted on Caiden's face
Caiden displaying his paint
Caiden giving you a prime view of his fire truck
Caiden and Dave

Josh and Dave thought they would test out their throwing skills at one of the tossing games. Umm..sorry to say that one of them did VERY well, while the other not so good. Can you guess which was which by their throwing technique? Gotta love the facial expressions. :)

After some of the fun and festivities we decided it was time to eat. The food was really good. I had the chicken (2 different kinds) and the others had the hot dogs and hamburgers.

We then retired to let our food settle and wait for the fireworks. Dave and Josh played cards and poker (shocker, I know), while Grammie Sue taught Caiden how to draw a caterpillar.

It was a rather hot day, so Caiden made sure to stay hydrated. After all, he had to keep up his strength to wrestle with Papa Jim!

After wrestling, Caiden decided to take a break and walk down with Sue and I to the water, so he could throw some rocks into the water. He had a lot of fun with that. Sue and Caiden then came back to play pretend lions. I think Sue was a bear though.

After we all calmed down a bit, we settled in for the finale of the evening...the fireworks. Jim and Sue bought Caiden a light stick which he proudly displayed until the fireworks started. He then began making the rounds. He started out with Papa Jim, but when the loud fireworks started happening, he ran to me, and then I passed him over to Dave who tried his best to convince him to look. After some coaxing, Caiden decided to chance it and look at the fireworks.