I'm doing my best to catch up on my blogging. I am a bit slow, so bear with me as I just switched from PC to a MAC. I haven't quite figured out all of the nuances yet, and frankly I was much faster on the PC because I knew it, although I am growing quite fond of my Mac. :)
The day after the twin's b-day, Karen Baker and Gigi (my mom) came to our house for a visit. We went out to breakfast with the kids, and then visited a little before they left.
Kiya looking a little perplexed...hey...it was relatively early still :)
Daddy and Caiden
Karen and I at breakfast
Karen and Caiden :)
It was nice to see them. We always appreciate it when people come out to our house :) We can't wait to see you next time.
Since the twins were born on Easter two years ago, we decided to combine their birthday with our Easter celebration. We all went over to Steph's house where earlier in the day we had the twins' birthday celebration. Since they belong to a twin group there were quite a few twins at the party. I wish I had taken more pictures of that.
Kyle and Lindsay open their gifts Auntie Karen assists Lindsay and Steph assists Kyle in blowing out the candles
Yay!!!!! We are two years old!!!!! One of the sets of twins at the party...so cute. :)
Kid's table Melissa helping Gabe and Caiden swing :)
My little Laker man in training...
Kyle helps Kiya refuel during her journey...so sweeeeet Kiya stopped for a moment to pose for a pic...you can see she is thrilled
Preston - Scott Rudkin's son.
It was nice to see that people that I haven't seen in a long time. Besides a blast from my past in Mike Rudkin, Melissa and my Godson came down to celebrate the twins' birthday and Easter. I loved having Gabe and her there, and so did Caiden. I don't think they stopped playing once since Gabe and Melissa arrived :)
Auntie Karen and Kiya
Mike Rudkin and Dave
Mary and her new bundle of joy :)
Melissa and I :)
Kyle and Lindsay had a great day, and the kids played ALL day. They were exhausted by the end of it.
Kiya shows Grandpa Phil how she loves her new bunny Kiya was fascinated with the angel statue Kiya is ready to go with her new backpack and purple bunny :)
Caiden received a huge Easter basket from Gigi.
At the end of the day, we celebrated Easter. It was a wonderful day. Thank you again Steph and Dave for hosting. :)
So I was doing bills, as the dutiful citizen that I am when what happens? I get a paper cut on my tongue. That's right. My tongue.
I mean, I REALLY do appreciate the fact that we now have self adhesive stamps. I no longer have to worry about what nastiness is on the back of the stamps (since I put them in my wallet), but what about the envelopes?
Really...I'm quite serious. Think about it. The makers of these envelopes know very well that we have to lick them, and that we are susceptible to injuries (just ask my poor, innocent, unsuspecting tongue). They know what vile flavors we are subjected to. Is it TOO much to ask for flavored envelopes?
In the current state of the economy, I might be MORE inclined and excited to pay my bills if I knew that when I licked that envelope for the water bill it might taste like Cotton candy. Or what about a strawberry flavored electric bill? You know you want to pay that one. Or even better...surprise!!!! You don't know the flavor (but it's not like the Harry Potter every flavored beans....oh no...remember - this is an INCENTIVE for paying your bills). It's like a reward for sending them money. They are all good flavors, and nothing that someone might be allergic too, oh no. There will be no shrimp flavored car payment, or peanut flavored mortgage bill. They would be lovely things that would elicit wonderful memories...running through fields Little House on the Prairie style, or..hmm...ok I admit I am getting a bit carried away but seriously? Is a little consideration too much to ask??? Thoughts?
Caiden was invited to Keaton's birthday party and it was his first time bowling!!!
Keaton's party was supposed to be at his house and was all themed with Indiana Jones, however the weather was not permitting all of the games his mom had planned, so she had quickly improvise and organize a birthday party at the bowling alley. It was great fun! :)
Dave putting bowling shoes on Caiden for the first time.
Kiya and I just hanging out The birthday boy Keaton!!
Since Caiden had never bowled before, he initially started to use this contraption thing that was supposed to help the kids. However, Dave jumped in to teach him "the form" and technique. In no time flat, Caiden was chucking (well, that's what he was doing) the bowling ball down the alley.
This is the bowling contraption I was referring to
Caiden after he started throwing the ball... Caiden celebrates :) Dave showing Caiden how to bowl
After the party, Eric and Caiden hung out and played some air hockey. Caiden playing air hockey with Eric :)
They had so much fun. Happy Birthday Keaton! Thank you for the invitation. :)
Now you KNOW I'm behind when I am posting the pictures from Heather's baby shower AFTER the baby has already been born. I will keep the details of Heather and Danny's bundle of joy for another posting (had I been on time I would have not had the details, so let's go with that mindset).
Heather's baby shower was sooo cute. It was a camping theme which was adorable, equipped with bugs, a fireplace, a smores bar and even the cutest party favors. Heather's mom and sister planned the whole event, and it came off without a hitch.
Cute camping themeHeather handmade each of these favors
Heather received a lot of nice gifts for Baby Davis
Heather looked lovely as a mother to be, and she had a great turnout of friends and family coming to welcome Baby Davis (last name not his first name...remember that will be saved for another posting).
Now I KNOW that Heather is a first time mom, but the diaper bags go IN the diaper genie :P
There were games: Baby word scramble (I did decent on that one); guess with a piece of yarn how big Heather's stomach is (which I sucked at...It's the spatial thing...after Heather saw my piece of yarn I was afraid we weren't going to be friends anymore, so I quickly cut it with my knife to make it a more "reasonable" size. Hey, at least we all got a good laugh). :)
This is the game that I had a REALLY hard time at...
I had a great time, and I can't wait to meet him (however I already have met him, but you don't know that yet...I'm so sneaky :P)
I know that it has been months since Caiden actually turned 5 years old, but again I thank you for being an understanding and patient blog reader. I have been quite behind and have LOADS of entries to post. However, (and this is the part where I start making excuses) in all fairness I HAVE been plagued with computer issues, not to mention some sub par health, AND the fact that I am a full time working mother of two children that lives a heck of a long way from her work meaning I have NO TIME!!!
Whew! Now that I got that off my chest, I feel a lot better. Now back to Caiden's birthday. He was so excited, and he woke up early in anticipation of the day that we celebrate his birth! He couldn't wait for all of his friends and family to arrive, and did the equivalent of the "are we there yet?" only "are they here yet?" until everyone showed up. He chose the decorations, theme and everything for his party. For those of you who know him, tell me that doesn't surprise you? After all, I DO tend to raise stubborn and independent children. **For this I blame my mother...I mean, after all it was her "blessing and a curse" that caused it all. "Melissa I hope you have children JUST like you"...to which I would reply "So do I!" Wish granted. Thanks Mom!**
Caiden's choice of a bounce house Of course he has spiderman balloons Superhero decorations He even picked out his cake And the games...
As you can tell Caiden went with a superhero theme, primarily Spiderman. This was the first time that we had invited kids from his school over, so I was really thankful that David was here to help coordinate. I get incredibly shy and with all of the kids and moms, I was glad that he was the one that would say when things would start and stop...especially because I HATE opening gifts in front of people. Dave handled it very well. Dave did a great job lining up the kids for the pinata (Spiderman of course), and then again for the Spiderman version of pin the tail on the donkey.
This was the line for the "pin the tail on spiderman type game" (and yes I am fully aware that spiderman does not have a tail)
Dave does the honors and spins the kids...we nixed this when they got confused when we just pushed them forward sans spinning. :p Each kid got a turn to hit the pinata
And then the mad grab for candy... Kiya chillin with Grandpa Lance Even Dean got into the bouncing mood in the bounce house (Pam and Dean)
Initially, the house was calm and somewhat quiet. Well, as quiet as our house can be with 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 kids. Then all the kids came, and let me tell you...it was CHAOTIC!!! The playroom took exactly 5 seconds to have all of the contents dumped on the floor of the room. I was impressed. These kids were PROS!
Boys will be boys... The pole was a big hit...the "fireman" pole that is :) Oh and this is AFTER I started cleaning up a little
Caiden was a good little host as well. He had a great time at his party, jumping in the bounce house, hitting the pinata, and playing the Spiderman pin the tail type game, opening gifts and having cake, but at the end of it all, he went around and passed out party favors to his friends. We made MANY play dates from the party. It was a good time had by all, and was the start of all of the invites to his friend's birthday parties. :)
Caiden in the bounce house with his spiderman shirt, socks, button, and underwear (although you can't see that) Megan and Mackenzie bouncing away :)
Olivia and Caiden in front of the air hockey table Caiden got for his birthday Gabe, Caiden and Derrick (his good friends)
Caiden posing with his Iron man gift Caiden passing out party favors to his friends before they left. :)
Caiden had a great time, and truth be told so did I....although I DID sleep well that night :P