Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

I'm a bit like a weed...I know...what a way to start out a sentence, eh? But it's true. I grow with sunlight and under abnormal circumstances. For instance, I was always very short until the summer between my junior high and high school career. I shot up like a weed. It was RIDICULOUS! All of the boys were taller than me, and I constantly got those stupid jokes about, "How's the weather up there?” Seriously, who, other than short people, think that's even remotely funny? In high school, I was even called the "Jolly White Giant" (this was a two-pronged dig. 1) because my skin is whiter than snow...practically an albino and 2) because I was so tall).

Well, to be honest I never really wanted to be tall. People would always tell me that tall was beautiful, and that that's what set me apart from the other girls, or just will LOVE being tall.

But, I didn't want to be tall. I wanted to be 5'6 like all the other girls. The perfect height. You didn't have to shop for tall clothes - all the cute clothes are in the petite section anyway (being that I was between 5'10" and 5'11" I required tall clothes); the boys were always taller than you; and no one said stupid jokes about your height or said "Boy, "you're big" (and people wonder why I have a weight complex...hmm...I wonder).

Well, the strangest thing is happening. I'm actually shrinking...and not in the good way. *For those of you wondering, the good way would be width wise, whereas I am shrinking height wise*.

Well, I was standing in the shower with Dave a few months back (I know...too much information), and I actually looked up at him. I mean, I HAD to look up at him; I wasn't staring him in the eyes or the forehead, but actually had to turn my chin upwards. For those of you who know Dave he is my height (sort of - he slouches so he looks shorter). I thought it was strange, and even made the comment that I thought I was shrinking. Then later on that week (or month - who knows) some of the guys on my team at work started making fun of me (what's new). :) Somehow we got on a discussion of height, and I stated that I was 5'10 or 5'11, and they laughed. They even started looking for a tape measure. I stood next to my lead, who is about 5'8 or 5'9 and even HE looked taller than me (Sorry, Josh...I'm just making an observation...not a judgment). It's the craziest thing. I've heard that people shrink as they get older, but seriously...I'm ONLY 30, am I really supposed to shrink 2 inches or more? That's a little sudden. Maybe I should have bought into the whole "Got Milk" campaign ad or something. Not sure. All I know is that my pants drag on the ground now (very interesting sensation...never had that before), and I actually had the thought that I might need to either wear taller shoes or get my pants tailored. (See pictures above. Notice that I even ROLLED the pants).

To be honest I am not sure how I feel about getting shorter. I had come to peace with the fact that I'm tall, and now I think I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. I guess the saying is should be careful what you wish for because your wishes might just come true.


Anonymous said...

I think it might be time for you to accept the fact that the "tall complex" you've created for yourself over the years has been an utter sham. I know it will be dificult, but you'll get through it somehow.

Or........ you can keep measuring yourself with 3 inch heals, whatever helps you sleep at night. :)

Mel said...

Looks like someone has a "short man's complex", eh Josh?

You're feeling a little passionate about this? Ha ha.

Mel said...

oh and it's "heels", not "heals" and I don't own 3 inch heels. I only own 1 inch and 6 inch :P

Anonymous said...

At 5'8" I may be slightly shorter than the average American male (5'10") but at least I'm not delusional!!!

Mel said...

I may be delusional, but at least I can spell.

Pam said...

Break it up you two!

Now here's what I think about the pants...

Whenever I gain weight, my pants tend to end up higher. Probably because my butt is getting rounder and taking up more room, and the pants don't settle as low as usual because my stomach is holding them up higher.

Therefore my conclusion is that your pants seem longer because you've lost weight.

I wouldn't know about this exactly because I don't tend to lose and only to gain weight, but that's my theory.

Hopefully, since I'm getting over being sick, I'll start to get back to the gym, lose weight, and have the same pant length problems. :)

Wendy said...

I like Pam's theory as it would account for the pants, but I am not sure if it explains the actual height loss you seem to have observed. Fascinating.

Have you thought about getting checked out by a doctor? When Luann (Jeff's Mom) had her spine straighted she grew like three inches. Or maybe you are just slouching more? Hmmmm.

Mel said...

So, how does one get one's spine straightened? Is it a one time thing or a gradual process? I don't think I am slouching, but maybe I just don't realize it. I will make a more conscience effort to stand up straight.

Wendy said...

She had to have surgury where they stuck a steel rod in her spine and she had a full upper body cast for months. The rod is still in her spine so she can not slouch. Fun.

Mel said...

Wendy,...yeah I think I'll pass. I'll just become one with my new short stature. Hey, anyway want to go shopping in the petite department :)

Wendy said...

Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

I can loan you some of my pants until you can find more suitable arrangements. I have like 3 inch legs, so you'll be fine in 'em.

being 5'3" is awesome...I never have to duck under anything, ummmm, I'm not taller than my boyfriend wearing heels (me wearing heels, not my boyfriend. well, not often)I get physically picked up against my will frequently, can never find tight pants that don't scrunch up around the ankles and never actually see anything at a concert other than the back of the tall bastard's head in front of you. wait...did I just say awesome? I meant stupid.

and the search for greener grass continues...