Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Birthday Bite?

This must be similar to the Christmas Giraffe or something. Well, as you know Caiden turned three yesterday. As I was getting him ready for bed I noticed this huge, red mark on his arm. The picture does not do it justice, so I took a video.

When I asked him what happened, he told me that a kid (couldn't catch the name and even if I had I would not post it anyway) had bitten him. I asked him why and what he did. I asked him if he told a teacher, and he said yes. I asked what the teacher did, and he said that the teacher told the kid "No more biting".

Anyway, I was pretty upset because the teachers never told me anything, and I spoke with them about his day when I picked him up. When I dropped him off today though, I asked what happened, and they had an incident report all filled out. I couldn't get angry when they wrote that they action taken was:
TLC, Ice, and lots and lots of hugs and love. That was just too cute.

He seems to be fine, and I know that kids do these things, but I just wanted to be informed...and have the other parent (of the biter) informed as well.


Wendy said...

Ouch!!! I would be upset too.

Pam said...

Maybe that's why he didn't seem as happy that night at dinner. Poor Caiden had been bitten. Poor thing. :(