Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Breast Milk Is Best...

Or so everyone says. Of course I happen to believe it, as I am a happily nursing mom. But, wait...there is more.

**Warning possibly uncomfortable information ahead. Stop and go back to start if you are grossed out by nursing talk**

Despite all that you have heard about the health benefits of breast milk for both the moms and the babies, there is actually more to the story than meets the eye *hehe...you will see how clever this comment was as you continue to read**. I mean I have always heard how it boosts the baby's immune system, helps decrease certain kinds of cancers, burns extra calories for the nursing mom, is sensitive for the baby's digestive system. Blah Blah Blah, but I recently read an article in a Parenting magazine about the healing properties of breast milk. Yep, you heard me right. The HEALING properties. They said stuff like, it will help clear up ear infections, eye infections and I think I read something about stuffy noses.

Like those of you who are more adventurous and are still reading this blog posting, I was actually taken aback by the advantages of this golden milk too. I remember thinking how interesting it was, but then I also remember thinking how I would NEVER try it. I thought it was a little to "out there" and "hippie-ish" for me. Yes I know. This coming from the girl who refused pain meds and opted for a natural drug free childbirth experience.

Anyway, fast forward to about a week later and Caiden scratched his eye playing. He was up all night, crying as it hurt really bad. I tried the typical things to remedy it, and was so at my wit's end, as my child was in pain, that I ran to the refrigerator, and grabbed some breast milk and squirted it in his eye. Magically, he stopped crying (no lie) and said he felt better. Of course I had to repeat this multiple times, but by the morning he was healed. I swore that I wasn't really going to tell anyone. It would be my little secret. I mean, what would people say? Honestly?

Then it happened again, only with Kiya. She got some kind of wicked eye infection, where her eye was all crusty and gooey. It was just gross. It was last Friday and the doctor's office was closed and would be for the weekend. Again, desperation got the best of me and so I decided..."aww..what the heck, it worked before". I tried the breast milk tactic again and Viola! Her eye has cleared up and she is all smiles again. This stuff is GREAT, and what an affordable option to prescription meds!!!!

I am loving my newfound knowledge and felt I needed to share in case there were other mothers out there who might want to give this a try. Now, I'm not going to go all nutty like that chick on America's Next Top Model and drink her own expressed milk, but I may just save some for medicinal purposes. Hehe :P


Sarah said...

dude! isn't it awesome?!?!? i used it once on pink eye and it cleared up in a matter of hours.

Pam said...

that's pretty dang cool. I'm definitely going to keep this in mind if Baby Hester needs some.

HeatherW said...

If I get a sore eye around you I am going to RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

Mel said...

Just wait Heather...once you have kids, you will be joining the club of parents who do things that you NEVER thought you would do until you had kids. :P

Anonymous said...

That is cool. Just as long as you don't start running around with a squirt gun full of that "golden milk" claiming to be able to cure everyone. Lol!!

Wendy said...

That is cool. I had heard that before but I don't know if I would have thought to try it. Now I will. Good work Mom.