Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Katie Comes for a visit!!!

I love it when people come to visit, but I really like it when Katie comes over. The kids LOVE her and she is one of my oldest, dearest friends (not to mention, Kiya's Godmother).

We went swimming, had dinner and then relaxed a little :)

Not the best picture, but it so rare that I get pictures with my kids

Katie, Kiya and Caiden
Katie tooks these pics of Kiya and I love them

Her eyes look SOOO big here
And happier times
Hunter giving a shake before he gets out
One of those rare pics again...both kids NOT looking
my little muscle man with his new haircut
You lookin at me? Are YOU looking at me?

Katie reads two stories to the kids. :)


Wendy said...

I would post the pics with you too. Not enough of those. sounds like you had a good visit.

butterflydreams said...

I object! your dear Katie is not your OLDEST friend she is a very young and well preserved 31 who happens to have shared a crib with you from the get..... she has in fact been there from the beginning of time but OLD I think not!

barbatron said...

Great "eyes" picture!