Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Glasses 2008

So I FINALLY got myself some new glasses. It has been two years since I got a new pair, and I was overdue. Frankly, It has been two years since I went to the optometrist. I figured that since I was pregnant (not now...whew!, but before) there was really no point to go. I guess your eye sight changes with all the hormones. So, why didn't I go AFTER Kiya was born, you ask? Well, I figured that since I am nursing (still am, but on the tail end now) maybe those pesky hormones would still cause my eyesight to change.

The good news is that my eyesight didn't change that much. In fact, I am wearing a weaker prescription - which is surprising. When my eye doctor, Dr. King, told me that my prescription wasn't going to be as strong, I was thrilled. I said, "So does that mean that my eyes are getting better!" His response: Laughter. I kid you not, he laughed at me. So, I guess the answer to that was no, which he verbally confirmed later. I guess I was a LITTLE TOO excited to possibly think that my eyes could miraculously be getting better.

Now, when I tell you that the prescription isn't as strong, that doesn't mean that I still don't have to have my glasses thinned because they wouldn't fit in a standard frame, cuz frankly my eyes are so bad that's what they have to do. They don't even give me the option anymore.

At least this time, when it was time to pick out the frames, I was able to wear my contacts. This way I can SEE what I am picking out. Anyway, I like them, and they fit quite nicely. :)

What do you think?


Hart's Haven said...

Nice glasses! I like getting new ones and those look great!

Wendy said...

I really like them. Two thumbs up.

HeatherW said...

I think you made a good choice...but I can't say that I have ever even seen you wear your glasses...

Pam said...

I like them. Great choice!