Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mother's Day Breakfast

I have been under the weather lately...some may even say sick (although I maintain that I do not get sick). I decided to take today off to rest and recuperate since I did not have to go back to jury duty (I was released!).

So I get up, put on some shorts, tank top, flip flops, brush my teeth, I don't recall actually running a brush through my hair, but I did pile it on top of my head, throw on my glasses and walk out the door with the kids in tow. I even brought gifts for the teachers (because it is teacher's week). My intention was to drop off the kids and then go back to the house and get some much needed rest.

As I arrive at Caiden's school I see A LOT of mothers, and they are all wearing nice summer dresses and have their hair done, and look very spring-y and elegant. I think nothing of it because frankly I don't drop Caiden off this late, and I think to myself:

Self: "Hmm, maybe all of the moms who stay home dress up to drop off their kids...very Stepford like."

I continue to waltz into the school, and then I see the tables...these mini size tables fit for a child all decorated with flowers and table clothes and pot holders and little cups of juice and strawberries and bagels, etc... "Oh Crap!" I think to myself. It is the Mother's Day breakfast I forgot.

Frantically I think how I can make a quick escape without having Caiden feel bad that I am not there, but before I can do ANYTHING, his teacher comes up and starts snapping pictures. Then she asks me to pose for a picture. Greeaatttt!!!! I mumble that I look like crap, but begrudgingly take the picture anyway. Then she announces that these wonderful pictures she has just taken are going to go in the gifts that our children generously made for us. How sweet...hmmm I wonder if I can change the picture out once I get it. :P

I'm standing there holding Kiya, trying to contain my cough (since they also have flyers strewn around the school advising that if you have "flu like symptoms" to stay at home because of the Swine Flu scare), when Mrs. Burris walks up and asks to hold Kiya. Sure I Kiya was calm and well behaved FOR THE MOMENT. The minute that Mrs. Burris's hands touches Kiya she does her best flop like a fish and scream bloody murder impression. Lovely!

Mrs. Burris tries to hush her and then decides it might be best to give up and hands her back to me and goes to collect the other mothers as we are about to start our breakfast. Caiden sits down at this abnormally small table while I attempt to remain as invisible as possible while simultaneously attempting to morph my body into one that can actually sit at this bench table while holding a squirming infant. I do my best Stepford impression, minus the classy appearance, when my daughter decides to do HER best impression of the exorcist...screaming, wiggling and grabbing my food and throwing it with all her might on the ground. To be honest I am surprised that her head did not start spinning. This is NOT the typical behavior of my beautiful daughter.

Now comes the part of the meal where the teachers reads what our children think of us. In addition to the very sweet things that Caiden said about me "he thinks I am as pretty as a flower" " He thinks I have a beautiful smile and likes to make me laugh". I think the part that got the most attention, since frankly it was the first thing that was said besides..."my mama's name is Melissa... was..."I think my Mama is special because she always says stop to daddy and tells him I did it on accident". *insert a staring face here* much for my plan to stay ALL eyes are on my and my screaming daughter. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled and was like "Well, what are ya gonna do".

It was nice to know that Caiden thinks that I am smart because I can find his lost toys in his room, and that he appreciates when I make his sandwiches into dinosaur shapes. I found it hysterical that he thinks that I am best at "hearing" and that I am as "strong as my daddy". The cutest part during this whole adventure is that Caiden was BEAMING...he was so proud. He didn't see the Raggedy Ann Mama with no makeup, glasses, shorts and a tank top, flip flops with crazy uncombed hair piled carelessly atop her head standing in front of him with a screaming baby sister who was DEAD SET ON no one eating as she flung the food on the floor. The whole time he said..."Mama...I wrote this about you....Mama I think you are soo pretty...I do...I do" with this HUGE smile plastered on top of his face.

Sigh...I love my kids...THIS is what being a parent is all about. :) Happy Mother's Day! And Thank you Caiden. You make my heart melt :)


Petros said...

Hahaha I am just picturing exorcist Kiya going all crazy! Well that was very sweet of Caiden :-D

Pam said...

So funny. At Dean's day care they have a picture up of me and Dean and I don't look so great. Oh well. :)

mom said...

Phil and I both think that you missed your should have been a writer.

You had me in tears of laughter and pride for Caiden.

Well done

Hart's Haven said...

What a great story.... you should always remember these special times and Caiden will always think of you as the most special person in the world...

Lono of Denver said...

only one thing can be deduced here: you are a terrible parent. You forgot the breakfast, and so a dish as well. Your children are poorly behaved and you accused the other mothers of being 'stepford wives'.

outstanding! When they throw out of town (and they will after they get my letter)... you will always be welcome in Denver! :)