Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm Domesticated!!!

That's right. I am a regular June Cleaver now that I have been home for awhile. Today I made Pumpkin Bread AND Caramel Apples!! I mean, it IS the season for these types of treats RIIIGHHHT?!

I couldn't wait to eat the pumpkin bread, so there it is incomplete in this picture

Caiden and I made the caramel apples, with an occasional assist from Dave. It was fun and they taste delicious!!!
The chosen apples
Notice the tool that Dave uses to remove the stems
I show Caiden how to cover the apples with Caramel
Then he does it himself :)
The finished product :)

Ok so it's not rocket science or anything, but admit it, you are a little impressed aren't you? :P Oh, and just in case you were gonna ask...the laundry is already in the dryer :)


Hart's Haven said...

I just caught up on your blogs and I in tears for little Matt, I am so sorry to hear this news. He will definently be in my prayers!

Stephen said...

Look at you! Little Betty Home Maker with you apron.

Stephen said...

Eddit*** YOUR apron*** It's too early here. More coffee

butterflydreams said...

you fit perfectly it will be hard going back to work after all this mommy bliss

HeatherW said...

I LOVE the cute!! ;)

Jeremiah Stark said...

Yummy, miss your hummor aruond here... Hope your doing well!

Mel said...

Awww. Jeremiah. I miss you too :)