Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ft. Worth - It's not ALL work

Like I said earlier, I was not exactly thrilled to go to Ft. Worth, but in retrospect, I am VERY glad I did. One, it was a great experience for me professionally, and Two, I got to see some people that I haven't seen a really long time (as well as meet some new people). I have to say that the people in Fort Worth are SO friendly. I love the team out there, and wish I could spend more time getting to know them all. I'm working on my boss allowing my team to meet (in person) the Ft. Worth team. I think they would get along really well...we're all a little quirky. :P

Anyway, we worked during the day, but in the evenings it was all about time to relax, have fun and get to know our counterparts. Below are some pictures of some of the incredible people that I met.

I am counting down the days until we do it again!


Hart's Haven said...

What an awesome trip. It's so nice to meet new friends.

Wendy said...

That does look fun. I am glad you guys got along so well.

Pam said...

Fun times!