Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Say NO to Drugs!

Do you remember back when Nancy Reagan started the whole Say No to Drugs campaign? Well, it is STILL going strong, however I think the message MAY need to be refined...or at least CLARIFIED.

Last week at Caiden's school had Red Ribbon Week (the same as Say No to Drugs). They had bracelets, wore red shirts on Friday and had ribbons around the entire school. I guess they talked about drugs too, but I think they may have missed their mark.

Today when I went to Caiden's school to pick him up, he was telling Dave and I about how his class won for their banner of how to say no to drugs. He showed us (so cute, I should have taken a picture), and then he proceeded to discuss with us what it MEANS to say no to drugs.

Caiden: Mama you have to say no to drugs
Me: Oh...what does that mean to say no to drugs
Caiden: Well you say no to the bad drugs and yes to the good drugs
Me: *huh confused look* Um...well...what is a good drug?
Caiden: Good drugs are drugs that people say good things about.
Me: *Look at Dave like...I don't think so* Well Caiden, actually we don't want to take ANY drugs unless Mama or daddy say it's ok (like medicine) and we give it to you. Got it??

Of course at this point, I start to go into a lecture, but Dave looked at me and laughed. I mean, I am the all natural girl right?? All I was thinking is some evil kid taunting my innocent son with some dangerous chemical saying "Caiden this is a GOOD drug...all the kids are doing it. It makes you happy and..." I had to clarify for him. :)

So as you can see Cade got HALF the message, but not the whole thing. And this from the award winning classroom for their ability to translate their "understanding" of saying no to drugs in the best way. Hmm...that makes me wonder what the other classrooms took away from that week. :P