When I was younger, I always wanted to be wonder woman. I mean who wouldn't right? She was beautiful, intelligent, had really cool bracelets and a tiara that protected her and she spun around in circles. Everything a little girl could ask for.
I ran around in underroos (do you remember those? For those of you who are too young to remember - underrroos were underwear that were themed liked wonder woman, superman, etc...) and would wear them everywhere...until my mom finally told me that they were underwear and at the age of 5 I was not allowed to wear them outside anymore. :(
I would pretend to be invincible, I would spin around and use my golden rope and bracelets. It was wonderful. Well, I may not have a golden tiara and bracelets, but I am getting closer to my wonder woman goal...I mean, I have to say that my invincibility factor has drastically increased now that I'm a woman of steel with this back surgery. I don't wish to be a braggart, but again, I know you're jealous :P You too wish you could have metal in your back that makes you stronger than before :) Hmm...I wonder if I will set off metal detectors at the airports??? "No officer, I'm not carrying a weapon...I AM the weapon!!" :P
The above picture is actually a picture of an xray that I took with my camera phone. I was being sneaky. The doctor had not come in yet, and they put up my xrays on the computer so I really quick snapped this shot. You can see the bone that they put in my back (where a space normally would be there is the bone); and the screws securing it and holding me together. They are actually MUCH bigger than I thought they were going to be. It almost looks like the top one was going to come out of the top of the disc. It's actually quite interesting. Let's just hope it works!!!
According to the doctor, by December I should be able to hike and bear weight, and by March I should be able to do more high impact activities like running, mountain biking and pole dancing!! I can't wait. :) It's a slow recovery process, but I'm hopeful :)
That is CRAZY! So glad you are doing well.
That is totally amazing!!!! Hope everything works out wonderwoman.
I think you would more fall under the Bionic Woman catagory...
Dang, that looks painful.
OMG, this looks bad. Miss you! Can't wait to hear you on the calls when you return..
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