Monday, November 20, 2006

Zoo Fun with the Katz

On Sunday, David, Caiden and I trekked down to the San Diego Zoo to have some fun with the Katz's. We arrived to greet my good friend Mandy, her husband Larry and their son Daniel - such a cutie! We didn't have a lot of time at the zoo, but we had a blast chatting, reminiscing, and enjoying the animals with our families. It was SO good to see Mands again...I miss her so much, and her family is like something out of a picture cute! Here are a few pics of our adventures!


Pam said...

That looks like fun. And San Diego is now much closer to you guys than it used to be!

Hart's Haven said...

I'm glad you had fun at the zoo. Looks great! I bet Caiden loved it.

Mel said...

It was fun, the only thing is that we arrived at 2pm, and the zoo closes at 4pm. Note to self: check these things PRIOR to leave the house. :)