Friday, August 31, 2007

Random Thought Of The Day!

So, some people from work took me to lunch and they asked me what I wanted to eat. Somehow I got to thinking about hot dogs (things that I cannot eat now that I am preggers). Anyway, I was talking about how I buy Hebrew National Hot Dogs...they are Kosher and they have no by-products. This got me thinking.

They are Kosher right? So they are blessed. So is each dog individually blessed, or are they collectively blessed? Is a Rabbi employed to do the blessing, or are they just inspected and then signed off on? What is the process?

If a Rabbi IS employed to bless said dogs, does he have the same genuine blessing interest in each dog, or is his job and task so redundant that the blessing is not heartfelt. I mean, when I bite into a juicy Hebrew National Hot Dog, am I a biting into a dog that was poorly blessed?

These are things I think about and wonder about throughout the day.


Anonymous said...

I have this mental picture of a rabbi standing on an assembly line as miles of conveyer belts send hot dog after hot dog passed him, as he repeatedly mumbles, making signs with his hands. Somehow I think this might be wishful thinking. :P

If it were me I'd just wait until they were all packed up and bless the whole truck/train/cargo container at once. Efficient yes, spiritual... no.

Anonymous said...

Don't steal my material, Josh.

Anonymous said...

That would have required that I pay attention to what you were saying... great minds think alike!

Hart's Haven said...

I asked once about this same matter and was told by I don't remember who that they actually have a rabbi that blesses the cow before it is slaughtered. This must save time, but still is just as strange to think of a rabbi at a slaughter house blessing the cows before they are killed.

butterflydreams said...

well both of you are right _ I hate to tell a guy He is right (JOSH) but the picture in your head is what happens...and yes it is a ritual blessing over and over again the rabi is paid to babble all day. on to more important things what did you end up eating

Anonymous said...

you all have WAY too much time on your hands. Why don't you think about something that matters. Your killing me people!

Mel said...

in case anyone was wondering the anonymous comment was from Dave. Guess he DOES read the blog after all. :)