Thursday, November 01, 2007

Who is God?

This is the question that my 3 year old asked me the other day.

Caiden has been quite into the "Why?" questions, and I was running out of creative answers, so I started saying things like "Because that is the way God made things", or "Because God planned it that way", or even "I'm not sure...let's ask God".

When he thought about it for a minute. He said, "Who is God?" Well, he happened to ask this particular question while we were driving to work and school and I was about to hop on a conference call. I wasn't sure how in-depth of an answer to give him either.

I started with something generic like "Well, God is our creator. He created Heaven and Earth, and everything you see around us." Then I started to get a little philosophical.

So I started reading him books about God that I have, and such. We have been praying as well, at night, but I am not sure he gets the concept.

So my question to all of you parents out there who have already answered this question many times...what did you say? How much detail did you give?

I could use some helpful advice here. :)


Wendy said...

Good question. I haven't had to answer that one yet with a little one but it sounds like you have a great start.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Haven't had that one yet either. Well kind of. I told my oldest that Casey our dog is with God. It helped a little. I think he kind of understood but he and my youngest are to into aliens and motorcycles to stop and think about it. You have a thinker there for sure. Like his mom?

butterflydreams said...

VEGGIE TALES the dvd's
the earlier ones before they started going main sream and toned down the truth - off hand I do not remember the one that deals directly with this but they all bring everything down to GOD (who He is and Why He is ) The new movies are ok but a bit washed down now that they are on the big screen