Sunday, January 06, 2008

Baby Shower for Kiya!

Today we had a baby shower for Kiya. It was wonderful to see my friends and family gather to welcome Kiya into our family and our lives.

The baby shower was thrown by "the mothers" aka the Grandmothers! My mom, Sue and Susan all pitched in and threw Dave, Caiden, Kiya and I a WONDERFUL shower.

Sue and Jim arrived early to start the decorations. Susan expertly tied the mylar balloons, and my mom brought yummy goodies to the party. Of course a party wouldn't be complete without my mom bringing M&M's so plenty were on-hand for the festivities.
Sue setting up the table
Papa Jim and Caiden blowing up balloons
Susan hanging balloons
Cute teddy bear
Chair of Honor

It was nice to see my friends, many from far away. Unfortunately, the rain and sickness prevented some of them from coming, but we will have to hang out with them when Kiya has made her debut.

Pam and Lindsay
Katie and me
Melissa and my Godson Gabriel
Crazy Heather :)
Susan and Lance
Dave and Kyle
The gang :)

Now, I am not sure how many of you know this, but I have this thing with opening gifts in front of people. For Caiden's baby shower I had Dave open everything and I sat next to him. This time, he wanted me to face my fear of opening gifts in public.
I wouldn't say it's a phobia, but it makes me very uncomfortable. I TRULY appreciate all of the generous gifts, but opening them has always made me feel weird. Today, was a different story. Everyone made me feel so comfortable I was quite at ease opening the wonderful gifts.

The belly's out there :)
Cutting the cake
Sue handmade this beautiful blanket. It has cute little bugs on it

Pink Bibs
Caiden picked out a gift for his baby sister...he even wrote his name on the card :)
Me opening gifts while Josh, Dave, Stephanie and Heather (behind Steph) watch
Ruffled cute is that? :)

I feel so blessed to have so many people love and welcome Kiya. Thank you all so much for coming. It means the world to me. :) Thank you for sharing in this wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

It was a great party! Your house is perfect for entertaining (especially the pool and grotto)!!

I had fun meeting everyone I read about in your blog.

Why do I have to be the crazy one?! ;)

Hart's Haven said...

It was a wonderful way to show how much we love you and Kiya! I'm so excited it's getting close!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I attended my first baby shower and managed to keep my masculinity intact! Woohoo! I had a great time and I was glad to see you got over your phobia (at least for the time being) :P Looking forward to meeting Kiya...

Pam said...

I had a really good time. It was very fun!

Annie Shafai said...

I am so bummed I missed it. Charlie was soooo sick.

Wendy said...

That looks great. I wish I could have been there.