Friday, February 15, 2008

The Grass Really CAN Be Greener

The neighbor's grass

Now I'm not one for keeping up with the Jones's and all. I mean, I like to have a nice house, a car that works, and not wear the same clothes every day, but I don't NEED to have the best of everything.

Everyone has heard the old saying, "The grass is greener on the other side". People tend to have somewhat philosophical discussions about this saying and counter with is the grass REALLY greener or is it about perspective. Even the cartoons that my son watches take on this debate, but sometimes the grass REALLY is greener, don't you think?

Now I am not here to bore you with a discussion of any kind of higher sir. Frankly, to be honest, my current position is anti-higher thinking while I am on break from work. I have decided NOT to do any kind of higher thinking and instead just kind of live life as it comes at me right now - something I do not believe I have EVER done in my life, but that I am quite enjoying. Worrying about and pursuing higher goals at this point is and will only cause me to be stressed or uppity and spark a desire of doing something else instead of enjoying this wonderful reprieve from work and much needed time with my family. You may disagree, and of course this reprieve from regular life is going to be short lived as I must return back to work soon, but allow me time to bask in the sun and glory of a life that is not planned to the utmost.

Today I woke up late (at 8am) after being up only 3 times last night, Caiden came home from his trip with Grammie Sue and Papa Jim in Big Bear (which he had a blast by the way), he rested while I fed Kiya and then donned our jackets, scarves and hats and ventured outside. It is VERY cold right now, and even snowed at Dave's work, but I digress.

We walk outside and I look around. It is a beautiful day, the neighborhood looks peaceful, Caiden is enjoying riding his bike and jeep, but I can't help but notice that my neighbor's grass is greener than mine. No REALLY greener. While my grass looks a little like straw and hay with a yellowish-I'm-dying kind of tinge, their grass is flourishing and beautiful and green. You almost want to run over there and run your hands through it. It looks inviting. My grass on the other hand, looks dead and sad and you almost feel sorry for it.

My grass

Of course I have not put in the effort to maintain the grass at this point, and I know that the neighbor lady is out everyday doing SOMETHING to her grass, but when I ask I don't get the answers to how her grass is so green. FINALLY, I ask the neighbor next to hers (whose grass has also started to turn very nice and green). Interestingly, those neighbors have become very close as she is a stay at home mom, and he is a stay at home dad. He tells me the secret. Fertilizer called Triple 15.

I promptly go to Home Depot and buy it, and Caiden and I put it on my lawn, and the neighbors to my left (as they are always helpful in mowing our lawn, and frankly their grass looks as pathetic and sorry as mine). Well, I JUST put it on, so I hoping that in a few days to a few weeks my grass will be just as green. No need to envy the neighbor's grass any longer. I can now be satisfied with what I have. :) So again I leave you with this thought. Is the grass always greener on the other side? The answer: Maybe, but if you have Triple 15 it won't be for long :P


butterflydreams said...

I applied mine last night and took a picture of my sad grass today. So we will have to see if it works

HeatherW said...

Their grass is crazy green!!

I wish I had grass to make green!! :(

Wendy said...

I really want to know if this little experiment works. If it does then the Budd family will be taking a trip to Home Depot as well. : )