Monday, March 03, 2008

I Can Build!!!

I'm serious. This is exciting news to me. I am very proud of myself, so no mean comments.

I am the type of girl that means well, but hangs pictures around the house and they end up on the floor the next day. I'm not the handiest of people. I and I want to be, but I tend to be a better partner. What I mean is that I am terrific at handing tools over or fetching things...fetching things? Maybe I shouldn't have used a word that describes a dog's actions, but it pretty much reflects my purpose when it comes to being handy around the house.

My newfound handy skills came just in time too. I should have taken a picture of the "before" of our closet, but I wasn't sure I was going to be successful and make this blog entry. The only words that come to mind that are descriptive enough to describe the "before" state of our closet would be a messy mound of, shoes and yep...more shoes. Piled on top of each other, or carelessly thrown, or kicked off into the closet to land where they may. I wonder how many minutes I could have shaved off my morning routine if I had done this earlier. No endless searching for "the other shoe"...kind of like the other sock that mysteriously disappears in the washer or dryer but with shoes. I should have clocked it. :)

Needless to say it was a mess, and I wanted to fix it, so I decided about 10pm yesterday night that I was going to build myself a solution. Now before you get too excited, and as one friend already pointed out to me when I was trying to brag about my was a kit. I did not build this thing from scratch, but you know what...I'm still very proud of myself.

It took me quite a long time, so persistence (like how I worked in my last blog entry?) paid off. I think I could have done it faster, but Kiya cried every time I put her down, and when I say cried I mean screamed-and-turned-an-unusual-shade- of-purple-while-pounding-her-fists-in-the-air-and-going-rigid crying. Since I was trying to keep Caiden asleep I built one-handed while I held Kiya in the other arm. I know...I'm a supermom...just kidding. Anyway, I am excited that I can see the floor of my closet now.
My closet floor (if you look on the floor to the right you can see my neatly stacked boots)

If I won an award for my carpentry skills (or my ability to follow step by step instructions), I would say in my acceptance speech, "I couldn't have done it without this nifty little tool. Thank you *sniff sniff* This award was so unexpected". This tool was actually a gift from Dave's captain from 2 Christmas's ago. We use it all the time, and it is really handy...kinda like me :P
The handy dandy tool

Dave hasn't seen it yet, so don't tell him. He doesn't read the blog often so it shouldn't be a problem. If he DOES find out...I'll just blame Josh anyway. :P

I can actually WALK in our walk-in closet. What a novel idea. :)


HeatherW said...

Wow!! Good job Melissa!! I fel your scattered shoe pain!!

I think my entire bedroom could fit in your closet!!

Wendy said...

I don't know if I could have done it one handed. Good job.