Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Rock Work is now complete!

Things are moving along at a frantic pace. It seems like everything is now happening so fast, and seeing as I am quite the impatient person that is just fine with me.

The rock work is now complete and they have painted the rocks to Dave's specifications. Here are a few pictures of the completed work:

They applied another coat onto the rock slide

This is the sit wall...remember how the last pictures were a light grey? They painted the rocks

rock work on the way up to the jacuzzi

Cute moment with Dave and Caiden. Caiden wanted to be just like his daddy, so he took off his shirt too. :)

What do you think they are thinking here? Admiring the rock work, or imagining water in the the pool?


Sarah said...

it looks really nice!

Wendy said...

Swimming this Sunday.... I will keep my fingers crossed.

HeatherW said...

Wow! That looks great! I am so excited to see the finished product!!