Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Gigi!!

We all went over to Aunt Stephanie's house early in May to celebrate both Gigi's birthday as well as mother's day.

The kids had fun playing with their swing set, and each other (all the cousins get along well), and we learned that both kids are just like me...they love cake, but they only eat the frosting.

Kiya got along well with Kyle. She followed him around a lot.
Always on the move
Grandpa Phil watches Caiden swing on the swing set
I got to push Caiden on the swing :)

After we had some yummy food and played our little hearts out, Gigi opened her gifts.

I was teaching the kids how to not to waste must lick all the frosting off all the candles...Lindsay very much liked this idea :)
Kiya LOVED the cake and frosting, so she would gravitate towards anyone who had one. Here she is cake stalking Kyle.
Kiya and Caiden eating their dinner
And making faces at each other
Lindsay helping Gigi open her gift
Caiden helping Gigi read her card
And open the grandmother's gift
He showed Gigi how he made it and how his hand fit perfectly
Kiya is pointing to her name :) She was proud of her contribution
And FINALLY a picture of everyone looking at the camera.

Thank you Steph and Dave for hosting.


lucy said...

LOL the cake stalking pic got me gigglin