Saturday, July 04, 2009

Planting and Using Your Senses

With Spring and Summer comes planting and beautiful flowers. Caiden and Kiya decided that they would help me plant some new flowers in our front yard.

Kiya was very meticulous and utilized all of her senses to truly enjoy the experience.
Kiya looks and touches
Kiya Smells
She develops a hypothesis
And tests her hypothesis
Is it edible??? I mean it SMELLS good, so it must taste good right? Kiya will let you know in a moment.

Not to be outdone, Caiden showed Kiya the importance of taking a moment to stop and smell the flowers :)
Caiden is such a pro

Hummingbird egg

There was a dead tree that I was going to remove, but then Dave found a hummingbird nest with an egg in it. So...the dead tree stays. Now that the front yard looks nice, it's time to start on the back :)